Our Clients

Our clients are individuals and families who come to us to get help to cope more effectively with particular problems, issues or feelings.

What People are saying about Reflective Image Counseling Services

I was so sick mentally, medically and physically that I felt I could not live life anymore.  Depression and anxiety, along with diabetes, heart blockage and other illnesses made life very blurry with a dim outlook.  From the first day I called Dr. Whitehead, while crying uncontrollably from my work office, she showed and taught me that I can live life with peace, joy and most of all love within myself.  I think I would not be here if I hadn’t met Dr. Whitehead.  Dr. Whitehead, you’re heaven sent for this world!!!
– A Man That’s Living

When I first met with Dr. Whitehead, I was depressed and medically unhealthy.  She listened to me speak about my emotional problems, and then she went a step further to encourage me to talk about my physical challenges.  Little did I understand the connection between mental and physical health, however, Dr. Whitehead knows how the two are related and she persisted.  Following her advice, I grew to realize how to treat myself and where other people fit into my life.  I gained an appreciation for the difficulties experienced by individuals everywhere through participation in a day treatment center, which she recommended.  I still have issues to overcome but I am doing much better.  Improvement has been noted today by those who knew me when I was at my worst.  I am grateful to Dr. Whitehead for the help and direction she has provided to this day as I continue to improve and find solutions to my life difficulties.
– Anonymous

Upon my meeting with Dr. Whitehead, I was so out of touch with reality.  I was on the borderline of losing my job as well as myself.  Dr. Whitehead gave me the tools that I needed to maintain a healthy work life as well as a healthy balance with my family.  I am ever so grateful that God allowed Dr. Whitehead to come into my life.  With her and God, I am on the road to recovery.  Two thumbs up for Reflective Image and Dr. Whitehead.
– Anonymous

Dear Dr. Whitehead,

I would just like to thank you for changing my life.  You helped me above and beyond the duties and responsibilities of being my therapist.  I want to thank you for helping me get my life back on track.  When I came to you I was clinically depressed.  All I could do was go to work and come home and go to bed.  I had no desire to be a mother to my teenage son, clean the house or anything else.

You listened to everything I had to say.  Then you helped me to obtain some short term goals.  And as I progress with being able to let some things go that were keeping me stuck, I then was able to set some long term goals and to achieve them as well.  I can truly say that after 13 months I have a good job and a promotion and increase in pay.  I have a car that I owe only one payment on.  April 14th, I will own the car out right.  My son is in college at Bowie State and I was able to let go so he lives on campus.  I have no empty nest syndrome.  My divorce to my husband is in final stages.  I’m happy in my Christian church life.  Most importantly, I have learned to take care of myself.  I was so busy doing for everyone else I forgot about me.

I just want to say thank you for helping me set some boundaries and achieve some goals.  I am so glad that the Lord directed my path to you.

Sincerely, Anonymous